Press Release – PensionsEurope Annual Conference 2024 kicks off today

PensionsEurope Annual Conference 2024 – “Good Future for Funded Pensions” is taking place today.

Brussels, 25 April 2024. Today, the PensionsEurope Annual Conference is taking place at the AG Campus in Brussels under the theme “Good Future for Funded Pensions.” This conference is co-organised with PensioPlus, the Belgian association for pensions institutions. Bringing together industry experts, pension professionals, and EU officials, the conference aims to tackle key challenges faced by pension funds in today’s world.

As economic shifts, geopolitical challenges, and regulatory demands are on the rise, this year’s conference dives into the pressing issue of securing a stable future for funded pensions. With the upcoming European elections on the horizon, the future of funded pensions stands at a crossroads. Discussions will revolve around these dynamics and on the path forward for pension funds.

Key topics on the agenda include recent regulatory reforms impacting pension funds, with a focus on sustainability, as well as exploring new investment opportunities for growth, including private equity and venture capital. Additionally, the afternoon’s session will assess the challenges and priorities awaiting pension funds with the new European Parliament and Commission.

Featuring panel discussions, keynote addresses, and interactive sessions, the conference provides a platform for knowledge-sharing and collaboration among pension stakeholders. More information on the programme can be found here.

The Chairperson of PensionsEurope, Jerry Moriarty shared his reflections on the upcoming event: “The core strength of PensionsEurope is the ability to work closely with our members. We can collaborate and share experiences to ensure all Europeans can have better pensions in retirement. Across Europe, we are facing the challenges of an ageing population, and it is clear that more funded pensions are required to deal with this. This conference is part of bringing those issues together and discussing how we can deal with this challenge.’’


For media enquiries

Please contact Gabrielle Kolm, Policy and Communications Officer at PensionsEurope.



Press Release – PensionsEurope Annual Conference 2024 kicks off today
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